Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sweet dreams with #Sheepdreams

Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree? All joking aside, if I were to speak to someone about it, they would probably say that I have self enduced / self inflicted sleep issues. No but for real.

I am a night owl by nature, but I'm also a teacher. My lifestyle naturally disagrees with my body in this sense. Hello headbutting.

I wake up battling the light of day, every morning, making long lasting sweet love to the snooze button every day (it gets a LOT of action from me). On a goood day, I tredge through the day as best I can and come home EXHAUSTED from the kiddos. Once home a few different scenerios could pan out: nap, exercise, zombie state, cooking. Either way - I lull through something, half-energetically, possibly get another wind... Without fail, I always, always, always get another wind way too late in the game, too late in the evening, and wind up wide awake, staying up way too late for my own good, completely out of control of my own free will. It's a very vicious neverending cycle.

If there is ever a night that I actually get to bed early, I wind up completely restless, tossing and turning. for hours (thankfully) uncounted. I swear, I really am doomed to be a perpetual zombie. At least I'm an insanely upbeat one! 

I was given the opportunity to try out #Sheepdreams Memory Foam Sleep Mask in exchange for my honest review. Hallelujah! And sweet dreams really are made of this! This lovely little mask of jet black goodness has made me a believer in the use of eye masks once again. I have a few, I've used them in the past, but quite frankly, they usually don't do much of anything aside from maybe block out merely a little bit of light.

It comes with a little set of ear plugs, too, in their own super cute little case -- see photo.  The ear plugs were just an added bonus, for me. They are ridiculously soft, almost too soft.  I tried to squish it to show you, but every time I tried to snap a photo, it bounced back and fluffed back up instantaneously.  See the photo collage.  It is snug but oh so soft and cozy!  I love the adjustable band that wraps around your head - not like those awful elastic ones that don't actually fit around a smaller head (like mine). It's wide, durable, high quality material!  Can we talk about at how perfectly contoured it is... look at it!  I can open my eyes all the way, and my eyelashes don't even touch the material.  And when I open my eyes all the way in the middle of the night, it's pitch black, for me.  Normally I see a lovely yet annoying lulling glow from the lights outside in the courtyard where I live; think perpetual sunset, i.e. not enjoyable when you're trying to sleep. No light seeps in from anywhere because of the way the mask is so form fitting. If I move it around a little bit, up down, etc - it stays fitted, true to form, and still keeps the light out. Thank *you* memory foam, it truly is incredible. I had a really hard time trying to take that selfie with me wearing the mask, you don't even want to know how many attempts it took me to get that one.  Thank you, #Sheepdreams... Baaaah!

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